50% snask i flygmåltiden..
Share written 2009-09-05 @ 12:56:29
På plandet som tog oss in i Vietnam serverades det en intressant lunch: 50% mat, 50% godis.. Jag fick hälften av granntjejens snask, vilket innebar 67% snask för mig! Jag har som regel att på flyg får man synda, bättre än att man låter sig synda hela semestern!
skrivet av Jempa
Snask är ett av världens bästa ord.
skrivet av justdidit
Japp, and you got me thinking about a word similar to that one which resulted in me adding a little story about hookers in my latest post:).. Next time I'll start a discussion about how the prostitutes themselves feel about being used by the pimps.. ..maybe just saying no isn't enough... I don't know much about their situation here in Vietnam, but I guess it's worse than in Sweden for those who are here.. ..then again, I might just be a racist pig...
I think I'll gather more information on this topic and get back in a blog-post later... ...let's get political;)...