Paris - Painfully Blasé or just Too Fucking Boring?

Share written 2009-11-05 @ 11:28:44

Paris just isn't okay! What's up with Paris? The girl is pretty but I'm talking about the city. I think it's probably the most overrated city in the world. Sure, they've got the tower, and sure, they've got Moulin Rogue, and their porn district.. But that gets old pretty fast, and the porn district is really a bit too seedy..

The food is mediocre, snails are fun just so many times. They can't cut meat - you are always served scraps of meat (köttslamsor) instead of well cut stakes, filés or whatever. In Sweden - no matter what meat restaurant you go to - you always get a well cut piece of meat. In Paris? Nope..

The wines are okay, not even close to what the reputation states, luckilly they are losing it now, and fast... Their quick fall from the top - as world leaders in exquisite wines - all started when they droped their atom bombs over that little atoll somewhere.. ..where ever.. After that people started boycotting french products, including wines. This resulted in people giving Australian, South African and even Uessan wines a chance, what they found was that french wines were rather over priced, and that French wines aren't really better than any other wine. If you really want your French wines you could as well buy it here on Systembolaget in Sweden, don't go to Paris for it.

The coffee? Don't get me started.. Totally blows. Parisian coffee tastes really boring compared to the coffee in Sweden for instance, or Rome.. ..or Barcelona..

..and finally, the women.. ..come on, what's up with that? They are darkish pale in some weird way.. ..and hairy. They also looks so indifferent (likgiltiga).. Colorless and booring. Even Swedish commuter trash girls look more attractive then the average Parisian woman.. Shape up Frenchies, now you don't even have the fries since the Uessans renamed them Freedom Fries:)..

To sum it up: If you're going, make sure you bring some great company! I did just that both times in Paris, and therefore it wasn't a total waste!

Cray Fish Party Dark And Artsy
Picture from the company kick-of when we had a crayfish party.

skrivet av Jannica

Håller med dig (!!) till en viss grad.. men hallå? Vilket land slår svenska tjejer??? Det är bara ett fåtal faktiskt.. :D

2009-11-05 @ 11:57:27
skrivet av justdidit

Man får inte slå svenska tjejer, de andra länderna får spöa sina egna! Enligt myten ska dock Parisianska tjejer vara vackra.. Ej, vackra är de!

2009-11-05 @ 13:53:58
skrivet av Diary Of Jen

svar: att tjocka människor blir ledsna för att dom är tjocka är deras problem. jag tycker det är äckligt. och dom får göra ngt åt det om dom blir känsliga. :)

2009-11-05 @ 14:18:33
skrivet av Diary Of Jen

Svar; Haha tack så hemskt! :) xoxo

2009-11-05 @ 14:29:57
skrivet av Christine

sv; tackar :)

2009-11-05 @ 15:58:55
skrivet av Jempa

Helt rätt. Paris är en jävla skitstad med otrevliga innevånare.

2009-11-05 @ 18:32:02
skrivet av justdidit

Ja, jag vet, gillar inte parisianer heller, men vågade inte skriva det eftersom exets nya snubbe är fransos, och då blir det bara ett jävla tjafs om att det är svartsjuka osv:).. Thanks for spreading the word! Nu ska jag skriva något elakt om Lia anonymt på din blogg..


2009-11-05 @ 18:46:03

remember me?

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