Chung Suc Phong Chong Dai Dich Cum A(H1N1)

Share written 2009-11-04 @ 16:11:14

I just got my Swine Flu (svininfluensa) vaccination, or my vaccination for the so called New Flu (nya influensan). Is it only in Sweden that it's called The New Flu? The title is in Vietnamese by the way, it means that we must all come together to help fight the swine flu, I'm doing it by getting myself vaccinated.. Actually I don't give a fuck, because I don't believe in the seriousness of it, but anyways I did.. It's actually free to get vaccinated here in Sweden, you just stand in line and fill out a form, then you get it. Sweden is the best country in the world, and don't you forget about it!

..what no one told me before was that I will have to get another shot after three weeks, this is to get full protection from the new death plague.. I just know that I won't get around to do that. If I had a penny for every vaccine I've got the first shot for, but not the second, I'd have three pennies by now. I've gotten the Twinrix A+B twice, but too far appart for them to give a full protection.. ..and now this swine flu junk:/.

I never get sick anyways, so why bother.. The risk of getting sick from the vaccine is probably higher than the risk of getting the swine flu. The only good thing about it is that while you get the shot you can pretend you're in a cool movie shooting heroine!

A(H1N1) Vaccine
All Swedes are asked to get the swine flu shot.. ..and here it's free! I love Sweden!

skrivet av Malin

Hjärtat... Lovar att se till så att du får shot nr 2. Vill ju inte att min darling går och dör ifrån mig...

2009-11-04 @ 18:11:49
skrivet av ღ Sabine

jag vaccinerade mig idag ^^

2009-11-04 @ 18:13:18
skrivet av diana

heello besök gärna min blogg och lämna en kommentar pööss :)

2009-11-04 @ 21:40:09
skrivet av Tobias

Julmust som är så gott :D jag hatar coca-cola så det köper jag aldrig =)

2009-11-04 @ 22:14:29
skrivet av Anonym

It's great to be injected by free vaccine, isn't it? But I'm so scared of being injected. :(

2009-11-05 @ 05:45:57
skrivet av justdidit

Shit, me too! If you'd been there you could have held my hand and the other way around. Now the muscle where they shot me hurts.. Not bad, but it stings when I'm moving my arm.

But I'll get over it, I'll be a man.. ..try to..

2009-11-05 @ 09:08:46
skrivet av Anonym

me tooo :D

2009-11-05 @ 10:26:28
skrivet av Anonym

Nya uppgifter om Svininfluensan:

Vaccin behövs INTE.

Släng ut suggan och skaffa lammkött i stället!

2009-11-17 @ 14:49:58

remember me?

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